Logistics Solutions Center Europe
Alte Römerstraße 3
56154 Boppard-Buchholz
Phone: (+49) 6742 87270
Fax: (+49) 6742 872750
Email: info@epg.com
Searching for the WMS solution that fits you best?
Our network is unique. For customers and interested parties alike, we offer global and practical insights into the promising market of logistics. To this aim, we run Logistics Solutions Centers (LSCs) in Boppard (Germany), Dubai, Brazil, and the United States, thereby ensuring the best results in the ongoing training and continuing education of IT and logistics professionals. Furthermore, we also help other interested parties gain access to up-to-the-minute developments in the area of logistics. Be it VR, the latest warehouse technology, or state-of-the-art logistics software: our Logistics Solutions Centers offer high tech at the highest level.
Our Logistics Solutions Centers offer answers to any and all questions regarding logistics. Whether you’re in Germany, Dubai, Brazil, or the United States: we provide field-test ready, best-in-class software and hardware solutions around the globe. Why not come and visit one of our fully equipped logistics centers?
Logistics Solutions Center Europe
Alte Römerstraße 3
56154 Boppard-Buchholz
Phone: (+49) 6742 87270
Fax: (+49) 6742 872750
Email: info@epg.com
Logistics Solutions Center North America
600 Hart Road, Ste 260
Barrington, IL 60010
Phone: (+1) 847 842 0900
Fax: (+1) 847 842 0910
Email: info.us@epg.com
Logistics Solutions Center South America
Rua Oscar Freire, 2295
Pinheiros - São Paulo - SP
CEP: 05409-011, Brasil
Phone: (+55) 3087-4400
Email: info@epg.com
Logistics Solutions Center Middle East
P.O. Box 644300
Dubai, UAE
Phone: (+971) 4-87 01 00 0
Fax: (+971) 4-87 01 05 0
Email: info.ae@epg.com
From a radio data system with stacker and picking terminals, to mobile printers and wireless scanners, all the way to PC workstations as well as automated storage units such as shuttles and automated warehouses: our LSCs offer the entire range of warehouse technologies in real-life applications. Also in operation and available for testing is, of course, our LFS.wms warehouse management system – because the practice of field tests is better than any theory.
Authentic, highly skilled, and personable: offering many years of practical experience and with their finger always on the pulse, our logistics experts impart specialized logistics expertise. Always tailored to your specific market, to your personal challenges, and to your organization. From our hands-on experience to yours. Of course, we will discuss your needs ahead of each project, thereby ensuring excellent results when providing training and continuing education to you and your members of staff.
With the practical experience and expertise of an international logistics specialist under our belt, we have carried more than 800 successful projects to fruition. In Brazil, for example, we work closely with the National Service for Industrial Training (SENAI). The Numina Group is our partner in the United States. Benefit from our quality in-house training sessions, seminars, and workshops. Together, we’ll get you up to speed for the market of logistics and raise your level of expertise.
We offer fully equipped logistics centers across the globe on an area of over 500 m² (~5400 ft²). The latest warehouse hardware, sophisticated logistics software, and state-of-the-art warehouse technology are all available in our Logistics Solutions Centers (LSCs) for field testing purposes. From incoming goods to picking, all the way to packing: our LSCs reflect the entirety of processes applicable to state-of-the-art intralogistics. Take a look for yourself!