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Into virtual reality with the EPG HOLODECK.

You want to experience logistics planning not only on paper? You want to experience it up close? We invite you to explore an innovative and immersive logistics experience with us. We show you the next level of logistics planning and material flow visualization, exclusively in the HOLODECK of the EPG.

With the development of the world’s first virtual reality (VR) CAVE system for logistics, the EPG has reached the next level of logistics planning and consulting. The unique 5-sided CAVE with active stereo projection provides an immersive experience in a virtual environment. Up to 12 visitors can experience the three-dimensional simulation, emulation and visualization of logistics processes in the HOLODECK – without using VR glasses. The unique dive-in experience of this technology enables a better understanding of logistics processes. According to the principle: in the fray instead of being kept at bay.

Holodeck: Logistics Planning 4.0.

  • Unique: The world's first VR CAVE system for logistics
  • Virtual reality: Active 5-sided CAVE stereo projection (wall and table)
  • Dive-in experience: Up to 12 people can experience the holodeck – without VR glasses
  • Next level logistics: Maximum flexibility and scalability of logistics planning
  • Planning reliability: Simulation and emulation of logistics processes and material flows
  • User experience: State-of-the-art software makes it possible to plan in real time (modular principle)
You can watch the following 360° preview using a Samsung Gear or a simple Card-board.

360° HOLODECK Trailer.

Warehouse planning with Star Trek atmosphere.

The year is 1970... The science fiction series Star Trek has introduced us to a technology from the distant future: the holodeck. Today, in 2018, we still haven’t build a spaceship which is able to fly through space and time. But at the EPG, we were able to create a HOLODECK. Today a Star Trek vision becomes reality. In the Virtual Reality (VR) CAVE, a virtual space is created by projecting the content onto four walls and a table. This virtual space can be used to realistically display various scenarios. The possible applications of the HOLODECK are virtually unlimited. The visitor experiences a multi-sensual combination of acoustics and visual immersion into a virtual environment. EPG's most advanced visualization software provides you with real-time modular logistics planning.

Warehouse planning no longer has to be based on statistical models.

  • easy understanding of logistics processes, such as control of the material flow
  • realization of logistics planning with maximum flexibility and scalability planning and investment
  • reliability, risk minimization for logistics projects

Saving of resources

  • reduction in effort and time for planning delivers savings
  • investment reliability through simulation and emulation which lets you perform a complete function test
  • direct utilization of the 3D models for real-time visualization of the own system

Planning reliability

  • high level of planning reliability by integrating the collection of important material flow data
  • predictive planning: prevention of error sources before they occur in real life application
  • maximum flexibility and scalability during the planning process


  • improvement of process comprehension through 3D visualizations compared to conventional CAD layouts
  • direct “immersion” into warehouse logistics and active participation in the project planning
  • shallower learning curve thanks to training before implementation and familiarization
Learn more about our logistics solutions.

Virtual Reality with the EPG HOLODECK.